Code Ana works across the country to improve the safety of children.

Advancing The Field

Check out what Code Ana is doing to improve children's safety around the country through our many different programs!

Anaphylaxis can happen anywhere and at any time if there is exposure to an allergen. While families, schools, childcare centers, and other …

While many prescribers, families, schools, and communities are aware of allergies, anaphylaxis, and that epinephrine is needed to keep those with diagnosed …

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Code Ana started a project focused on providing epinephrine workshops to Early Childhood Professionals (ECPs) in …

Whether schools have stock epinephrine or not, school staff should be educated on allergy, anaphylaxis, and epinephrine. How intensive that education is …

Fire drills and tornado drills have very set structures and safety points that can become muscle memory for many staff and students. …

Field trips and extracurricular activities provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities for students to explore the world beyond the classroom. However, for …

Code Ana does a lot but it doesn’t do everything alone! Below are some of our partners and supporters that we work …

Having a child with allergy is stressful and ensuring their safety when you are not there can feel impossible. However, Code Ana …

Have you ever read a food label that said “may contain” or “processed with” before you saw allergens listed? Companies that make …

As anyone paying attention to the cost of epinephrine over the years knows that the cost has increased. If you are a …

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