School Nurse

Prepare for anaphylaxis on any field trip or extracurricular activity with Code Ana

Prepare for Anaphylaxis On The Go

Field trips and extracurricular activities provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities for students to explore the world beyond the classroom. However, for students with allergies, these outings can present unique challenges and potential risks. As educators and caregivers, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and inclusion of all students, including those with allergies. […]

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Code Ana knows what you need in your epi certification to be prepared for stock epinephrine

What Does Your Epi Certification Need To Be Prepared For Stock Epinephrine?

Depending on where you live, you may be required to receive training before your school, center, or organization receives stock epinephrine. While there are many different kinds of training out there, you need to make sure you receive training specifically created for stock epinephrine, not just any epinephrine certification. Before attending, requesting, or purchasing a […]

What Does Your Epi Certification Need To Be Prepared For Stock Epinephrine? Read More »

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