School Safety

Prepare for anaphylaxis on any field trip or extracurricular activity with Code Ana

Prepare for Anaphylaxis On The Go

Field trips and extracurricular activities provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities for students to explore the world beyond the classroom. However, for students with allergies, these outings can present unique challenges and potential risks. As educators and caregivers, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety and inclusion of all students, including those with allergies. […]

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Code Ana works with schools that use these common school safety apps and technology.

Common School Safety & Emergency Response Communication Apps

School safety is a top priority for school administrators today. Physical improvements, like surveillance systems and secure entrances, help create an environment of greater security. Still, school officials are now also focusing on communication tools to address emergencies as quickly and efficiently as possible. By equipping faculty, staff, and students with access to communication networks […]

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Allergist training first responders to train others for epi training

Train-the-Trainer: Expanding Reach of Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Education

As the incidence of anaphylaxis increases, communities need to know how to recognize and respond to allergy emergencies. Allergists can play an impactful role in allergy preparedness by teaching first responders how they can teach schools about anaphylaxis.  One way Code Ana helps prepare communities for anaphylaxis is through its train-the-trainer (TTT) programs. Our inaugural […]

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Free epi trainings that Code Ana offers

Free Allergy, Epinephrine, Anaphylaxis, and Medical Emergency Learning Opportunities

Code Ana is continually creating new education for those that are interested in learning more about anaphylaxis, epinephrine, medical safety, and medical emergency planning. While most of our certification courses require a fee, we have many courses and programs that are completely free to use. While our online epi certification is the only course that […]

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