Trauma Emergencies

Act fast to stop the bleed

Trauma Emergencies

Quick recognition and response to trauma can limit tissue damage and in some cases, save lives.

Injuries can happen at any time, especially on playgrounds or at sporting events. In the case of an open wound, life-threatening blood loss can occur from serious injury within minutes, and so a rapid response is vital.

Traumatic injuries can be especially devastating for children. Emergency departments treat over 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries per year, and, unfortunately, gun violence continues to claim the lives of children and teens. In these types of traumatic events, stopping the bleeding can be life-saving.

Schools need to be ready at all times to recognize and respond to traumatic injuries, such as bleeding. Part of a school’s medical emergency response planning needs to include education on this medical emergency. Here are key points on how a school can recognize and respond to bleeding.

Trauma Emergency - Code Ana


Prevention is key

Trauma can result in life-threatening bleeding, and like other medical emergencies, response time is critical.

Trauma emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time on campus. While easy to identify, they can be hard to prevent. Ensuring that safety hazards (like maintenance equipment) are properly secured or roped off can help prevent accidents from happening. 


When you see a trauma emergency, follow this protocol:

1 Red
Activate your medical emergency response protocol including calling 911 immediately and fetching your trauma kit immediately.
2 Red
Apply a clean cloth and firm pressure to the site of bleeding.
3 Red
Apply a tourniquet if bleeding is in the arm or leg; tighten until the bleeding stops.
4 Red
Continue to keep the person as calm as possible until EMS arrives, at which time the person will go to the emergency department for further care.

Recommended School-Focused Trauma Emergency Education

Click on the logos below to learn more about each program.

For your school to be prepared for any medical emergency, you need a plan and team. Med-E Ready guides you through creating exactly that.

Stop The Bleed offers training for students and staff on how to save a life during a bleeding emergency. 

Get Prepared For All Emergencies

Feel equipped for this emergency? Take the steps to get prepared for another one. 

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