Category: Advancing the Field

Check out what the Code Ana Team has been doing to improve the safety of children across the county!

Naloxone, Narcan, Albuterol, Epinephrine, and Glucagon are now available for Louisiana entities and schools
Advancing the Field

Louisiana Opens Up Emergency Medication Access with New Legislation

With legislators only in session for certain months of the year, change can come slowly. Unfortunately, some things in society may change faster than laws can keep up. In Louisiana, where Code Ana is based, legislation has been slow to keep up with the current medical emergency preparedness opportunities that communities need. In Louisiana, these […]

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Advancing the Field

Understanding Stock Epinephrine

While many prescribers, families, schools, and communities are aware of allergies, anaphylaxis, and that epinephrine is needed to keep those with diagnosed allergies safe, many do not know about stock epinephrine. What is stock epinephrine? Stock epinephrine is epinephrine prescribed to an entity, be a school, childcare center, restaurant, or any other entity that is […]

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Advancing the Field

COVID-19’s Impact on Our Epinephrine Trainings

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Code Ana started a project focused on providing epinephrine workshops to Early Childhood Professionals (ECPs) in a safe and easily accessible manner. Each workshop consisted of a one-hour training session led by a board-certified allergy specialist. Eight workshops were conducted throughout 2020 and 2021, with 420 ECPS being trained.  […]

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Advancing the Field

Why should teachers get medical education?

It is no secret that teachers are expected to or asked to play many roles on their campuses and in their communities – educator, coach, counselor, advocate, and many more – so why is adding something else to their plate so important? No problem can be fixed until a problem is identified. Whether your campus […]

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Advancing the Field

What should an anaphylaxis emergency response look like?

While you can try to prevent emergencies, there is no way to prevent them completely – even when it comes to anaphylaxis. If your school staff has been trained and has created your medical emergency response plan, what should it look like when an epinephrine auto-injector is used on your campus? Once the child is […]

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Check out who helps Code Ana with food allergy education, sudden cardiac arrest education, and school safety
Advancing the Field

Code Ana’s Partners and Supporters

Code Ana does a lot but it doesn’t do everything alone! Below are some of our partners and supporters that we work with frequently. This list is ever-growing so make sure to check out our resources page and for the most up-to-date information. Allison Rose Foundation  Based in Ohio, this non-profit provides food allergy education […]

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A babysitter plays with a child with food allergy that was trained by Code Ana
Advancing the Field

How To Prepare A Babysitter For Food Allergy

Having a child with allergy is stressful and ensuring their safety when you are not there can feel impossible. However, Code Ana is here to help! We routinely prepare schools to respond to and recognize anaphylaxis but what about part-time caregivers like babysitters or even family members? What do they need to know? Babysitters are […]

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Cross-contact is something that can endanger those with food allergy, get educated from Code Ana
Advancing the Field

What Is Cross Contact?

Have you ever read a food label that said “may contain” or “processed with” before you saw allergens listed? Companies that make food are required to put those notes on there but do you know why? The answer is cross-contact, also called cross-contamination. What is cross-contact?  Cross-contact is when allergens are transferred from an unsafe […]

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