Understanding Stock Epi

Understanding Stock Epinephrine

While many prescribers, families, schools, and communities are aware of allergies, anaphylaxis, and that epinephrine is needed to keep those with diagnosed allergies safe, many do not know about stock epinephrine.

What is stock epinephrine?

Stock epinephrine is epinephrine prescribed to an entity, be a school, childcare center, restaurant, or any other entity that is not an individual. As an entity can’t be a patient of a doctor, laws are required to be passed to allow for prescribers and pharmacists to get the medication. 

Many entities and prescribers can feel hesitation in getting the devices because of their liability. However, laws include indemnification for both if they are properly educated. There are also templates of documents that prescribers and entities can use to establish clear responsibilities and liabilities. 

Why is stock epinephrine important? 

  • Undiagnosed Allergy
    • A study found that 24% of the use of epinephrine in schools was on someone who did NOT know they had an allergy. With such a high number, it is essential for any school to have stock devices as none of these children would have devices on hand. As anaphylaxis can happen anywhere allergens are, any entity that can have the devices should have them. It can and has saved lives. 
  • Ability to Respond to Anaphylaxis
    • Anyone who has worked with children knows that no matter how much you try, kids will forget things. Though many children who self-carry know the importance of having their devices, they may forget it, and having stock epi ensures that they are safe no matter what. 
    • While children may know that they have an allergy, gaps in guardian education may leave the children without the devices they need. Communities that have low medical access and knowledge may leave children vulnerable and entities, especially schools, can ensure that any child can be safe – no matter their background or access to specialty care. 
  • Increased Education
    • As education and training are integrated into the legislation surrounding stock epi, more people learning about the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis will improve outcomes. The sooner that epi and care are given, the better the outcomes. 
    • Typically schools only provide epi training to a small group of staff that interact with students with allergy. Stock epinephrine training and education are geared for larger groups. 
    • With the proper stock epi training, those who are trained can recognize anaphylaxis in ANY child or person, not just those that you expect it in. In childcare centers, this is important as many first reactions happen outside of the home
  • Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
    • As allergy diagnoses continue to rise, those that can acquire stock epinephrine should. Not being equipped with life saving medication when the risks are known is becoming more and more negligent. Legislation across the country is striving to make education and devices required in schools so why be behind the curve. Be prepared and be equipped.
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