School Safety

Louisiana laws are now able to permit stock epi in childcare centers.

How Code Ana Passed Stock Epinephrine Legislation in Louisiana

While most states have laws permitting stock epinephrine in K-12 schools, before 2022, only one state explicitly had a childcare center specific law permitting stock epinephrine. While some states have non-school entity laws that mention childcare centers or daycare, only Texas had a standalone law. As many young children have their first allergic reactions in […]

How Code Ana Passed Stock Epinephrine Legislation in Louisiana Read More »

Team Work Makes the Dream Work on learning about epinephrine and anaphylaxis

Med-E Ready: Making Schools Safer & Prepared For Medical Emergencies

Code Ana started as an organization focused on anaphylaxis education. In working with schools to prepare them for allergy emergencies, we created our Med-E Ready program.  Medical emergencies are one of the most common types of emergency that schools face. While schools typically have a plan in place for responding to fires, tornadoes, and other […]

Med-E Ready: Making Schools Safer & Prepared For Medical Emergencies Read More »

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