Free epi trainings that Code Ana offers

Free Allergy, Epinephrine, Anaphylaxis, and Medical Emergency Learning Opportunities

Code Ana is continually creating new education for those that are interested in learning more about anaphylaxis, epinephrine, medical safety, and medical emergency planning. While most of our certification courses require a fee, we have many courses and programs that are completely free to use. While our online epi certification is the only course that qualifies for many state requirements, we have education that you can take for free to learn more about food allergy! Along with that, our Med-E Ready program has always been free for leaders of schools, centers, and organizations to take. Don’t know what FREE course may work for you, check out the quick breakdowns below! 

Med-E Ready
Our premier medical emergency response planning and protocol builder program! This program walks you through creating or improving your current emergency response plan for medical emergencies along with giving you the tools and practices to create the safest place possible for children to learn!

Food Allergy for Educators
This free course gives you a high-level overview (compared to our epi certification course) of food allergy and the dangers of anaphylaxis. This course was created for any staff member at a school to take and get acquainted with food allergy and how to create safe spaces for children with food allergy. You will also get to hear a little from one of our parents, The Allison Rose Foundation!

Food Allergy for Students
This short course can be used by anyone on a campus entrusted with educating students about food allergy – whether a nurse, teacher, coach, or others! This has age-appropriate videos for K-2, 4-8, and 9-12 students so that they get educated on their own level through short videos. Along with the videos, there are handouts that can be used that align with educational standards for any school that wants to use them for science or health curriculum.

School Nurse Quick Start Guide To Stock Epinephrine Workshops
For those schools blessed with school nurses, this course gives those nurses all the tools to lead a workshop for school staff about stock epinephrine. From video content to discussion questions, this gets any school nurse prepared to educate others about anaphylaxis, epi, and how to respond to allergy emergencies. 

EpiReady USA!
This full program is intended for school nurses or the medical leader at a school to get a school ready for stock epinephrine! This includes Food Allergy for Educators, Food Allergy for Students, and School Nurse Quick Start Guide To Stock Epinephrine Workshops all in one place! 

Virtual Epinephrine Workshop
This course is a video from a live workshop given by Dr. Ruchi Shah for early childhood centers in New York City. This is a case-based discussion to delve deeper into how to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis in children, especially very young children. 


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