Summer for School

Get Your Summer Staff Prepared For Emergencies

Summer is just around the corner (or already here!) so now is the time to prepare your summer schedule – including preparing for medical emergencies!

Are you running a summer camp?

  • Many summer camps have staff that is normally not there, especially if high school or college students are brought on. It is important that every staff member – even those only there for a short time – knows the emergency response plan! Creating a special summer camp emergency response plan through our Med-E Ready program could work best for you – especially if you are going on lots of field trips. 
  • Ensure that you are capturing all of the same medical information that you would for a full school year with enrolling your summer campers – especially if your school nurse won’t be there! Knowing what medical conditions your campers have should inform your summer program and planning. Constant activities, especially in the heat, can exacerbate many chronic conditions and have additional safety issues that should be included in your planning!
  • With new staff, new children, and frequent outside activities, ensure that you still have at least 10% of your staff trained on stock epinephrine. Prompt recognition is a big factor in good outcomes of anaphylaxis so having trained staff is important! Code Ana added a special venom allergy addendum to our epinephrine certification training so make sure you have your staff that is prepared!

Are you preparing for the next school year? 

  • While the summer can be a time for rest and relaxation, it’s also a time to make sure you are prepared for the next school year. Now is the time to start looking at what professional development you want to share on those important prep days! Code Ana can help! Over the summer, you should check out our Med-E Ready program so you can come into the new year with a plan for medical emergencies. 
  • Did you know that schools can receive FREE epinephrine auto-injectors? Through the EpiPens4Schools program, K-12 schools across the country can have access to these life-saving devices. Why not start the process of getting the devices and preparing your campus through EpiReady? This program provides you with all of the education you may need to equip your staff for anaphylaxis! 

Want to learn more about how Code Ana can help, schedule time with our Program Director, Sarah Jane, at this link:

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