Stock Epinephrine Laws Differ Across the Country & Should Be Protecting Every Child
Published in 2021, the editorial article “The Heterogeneity of Stock Epinephrine Legislation in the United States” by Madison Oxford and Dr. Alice Hoyt looks at the many different types of school epinephrine laws throughout the United States.
From no legislation to mandated devices, states across the country are not on the same page for stock epinephrine devices for students. Hawaii has no legislation for stock epinephrine, though a commonly referenced bill was unsuccessfully introduced in 2015. Two states (Alaska and North Dakota) allow for individuals to carry stock epinephrine which can allow for staff to carry epinephrine for students. Forty-seven states allow for stock epinephrine to be on school campuses, with twelve requiring it. While twelve states mandate stock epinephrine, some states have the mandate only when funding allows.
Funding has an impact on stock epinephrine availabilty across the nation. Many states require epinephrine but funding requirements can make the use of a vial and syringe necessary, which is not the safest way to administer epinephrine in an emergency. Though there is a program that provides two free EpiPen two packs for any K-12 school, the knowledge of the program is not widespread.
A wide range of training requirements in legislation creates a wide variety of anaphylaxis education across the nation. From annual requirements to no requirements as well, many schools have the ability to define their own training schedule. Very few states’ legislation even mentions training organizations, much less address their liability.
As the legislation pertaining to stock epinephrine in schools varies widely, continued research is needed to find the best combination for the best outcomes for students with and without diagnosed allergies. For those that may not know where to start on their anaphylaxis education journey, our Online Epineprhine Training Program is a great way to start! You can find it and all of our other offerings by going to savinglives.codeana.org