Educating the country, one person at a time.

The History of Code Ana


Code Ana Begins
Code Ana logo

In 2015, a school nurse in Charlottesville, VA reaches out to Dr. Alice Hoyt to provide epinephrine education to staff at her school to further support students with allergy. Through working with the campus, the need for anaphylaxis and epinephrine education was realized and led to the creation of Code Ana. 

Med-E Ready Created
Med-E Ready Logo - Code Ana

In working with schools to provide anaphylaxis education, Dr. Hoyt creates the first version of Med-E Ready to not only support anaphylaxis response but response to any medical emergency on campuses. Constantly adapting to school and community needs, the Med-E Ready Program has evolved into what it is today! 

Code Ana Grows
Map of places that Code Ana has shared anaphylaxis education

In 2017, The Teal Schoolhouse is founded as the non-profit home of all of the Code Ana programs to support all its educational efforts. From hosting its first Code Ana Summit to adding its online education platform, from 2017-2018, Code Ana grows exponentially. 

Impacting Communities
Celebrating over 10000 people trained to use epi auto injectors

By this time, Code Ana has educated more than 10,000 childcare providers through its epinephrine training program! 

2020 - 2021
Expanding Access
Group of trainers learning epinephrine training

Code Ana began a unique "train-the trainer" program with the Allison Rose Foundation to teach other healthcare professionals how to teach about anaphylaxis. Through community projects, like LEARN Early and Hurricane Ida relief, Code Ana continues to support all communities around the country. Don't miss out on catching Code Ana at a conference near you soon!

Increasing Reach
Spaceship blasting off to the great future of Code Ana

Code Ana continues to grow in local communities across the country. Through its work with childcare centers, schools, parents, and other organizations, along with its publications in academic medical journals and presentations at local, regional, and national conferences, Code Ana is working on behalf of families everywhere.

Annual Review

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